In Your Community

Vote For Them Too

There have been a number of candidates and leaders who are targeting children for political gain. We must be willing to put our votes where our values are. Find your local voter information here and vote for those who will protect and uplift them too:

Legislate For Them Too

Mental health outcomes, especially in our schools and healthcare system, rely on good public policy and adequate funding. You can click here to contact your elected officials and leaders to ensure that the goals of well-being for all and inclusion guide their decisions.

Volunteer For and Fund Them Too

There are a number of organizations working with at-risk and vulnerable youth. Consider providing your time, talents and donations to directly impact and change lives. Our partner, Time Out Youth does remarkable work in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.

From crisis support to groundbreaking research, the Trevor Project provides tools, data, and assistance for LGBTQIA+ youth and their parents.